Saturday, August 27, 2022

Dominion and Common Grace - Reviewing Gary North's publication 5

 Hijacking Christian Mercy 

One interesting idea of North is Satan’s use of an ‘inside man’. This kind of person has been raised in a church (or Christianized community) and he then uses the things he learned there to work for the devil.1  He mentions Judas as example; this disciple did not follow Jesus wholeheartedly. Apparently, he was attracted to Jesus for his personal benefits.2  While he seemed to care most for the poor, he actually stole from the ‘deaconal fund’ for his own benefit. And, when it became quite clear that Jesus’ kingdom was not going to give him any status or privilege (as minister of finance, for instance), he decided to share inside information with the enemies, which sought to destroy him. The enemies of God effectively rebel against Christianity by borrowing from it.3  They do not realize or they refuse to see the great inconsistency in their approach. Gandhi became familiar with the teachings of Jesus when he studied in Britain. While Britain -as a country and culture- no longer embraced the Word of God, its citizens were yet appalled to learn about the violent attack on peacefully protesting Indians under the direction of Gandhi. The Word of God had given great blessings to the British, yet these were also abused through the idolatry of greed and pride. Then the lingering morality was instrumental to undo the blessings: dominion was lost and the British Empire began to fall apart. 

Why are Social Justice warriors, the Whiteness-haters, and the pushers for the gender rainbow so strong in Western countries and not in South East Asia? Why do we hear demands of restitution about black slavery by whites in America while we never hear about similar demands for white slavery by blacks in North Africa in earlier times. Pre-Christian societies have no mercy for the oppressed, like women, slaves, the sickly, or the handicapped. They ‘know’ that caring for the weak makes the whole nation weaker, so nobody endorses such silly notions. That’s why Jesus’ way of achieving power and dominion through humility and weakness was rejected by Jews and Greeks alike. Although the historian Tom Holland is not a Christian, he acknowledges that without Christianity the world would be much worse than it is. 

Why would the Communists care for the peasants or the factory workers? Because they wanted to mobilize them for the revolution against the successful groups, which were called ‘oppressive’. And then, after the revolution, they lost interest in those whom they used for their own advancement, and they themselves became the oppressors. They lied, by suggesting that they acted from love, for they acted out of jealousy, hatred, and revenge. 

So, why is the West becoming Woke? Because it is a post-Christian culture. Like Tom Holland, they rejected God and the Truth, yet they cling to the biblical idea of caring for the oppressed. And, because they left the faith, they now turn against God, his Word, and his church, by jumping onto the bandwagon of so-called ‘Social Justice’. The God-given privileges for the nations that respected the Bible are now seen as oppressive, white, and evil. The blessings of God in a day of rest, in morality, in sexuality, marriages, and discipline are now seen as the root of all evil.   

And so, the biblical model for ‘the last will be first’ is hijacked by the Social Justice warriors and their allies to destroy the source of all blessings. And, many of their greatest allies are liberal churches and their members. They no longer want to make disciples of Jesus, who submit to his teaching. Rather, they only want to show ‘warm-fuzzy’ love which supports people of other religions in their idolatries, not believing this will lead to greater judgment. And so, they have become a major catalyst of moral, cultural, and economic destruction. If the sun will continue to set on the west, the moment of truth will come when the world will realize the lie. For it is then that people will realize and acknowledge that ‘caring for the oppressed’ was a Christian idea that should have been rejected in the first place. Perhaps then the end will come.

1 Dominion, p.220.

2 He was not the only one who thought like this. Matthew 20:20-28, Mark 10:35-45.

3 Dominion, p.219.

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