Wednesday, April 24, 2024

第二十课 和解和结论

读经: 创 42-45

随着创世记第 42 章的故事由约瑟在埃及转到雅各的家在迦南地。老父亲雅各执掌着这大家庭里的 领导权,他叫儿子们要行动。这个家需要粮食而“埃及”恰恰充足。神控制供应也控制需求。他 用它来带领亚伯拉罕的种子“流亡”埃及。当雅各最宠爱的儿子留在家里是,他的十个哥哥跋涉 到埃及为家里买粮食。当他们到达分配粮食的地方,他们受到他们的兄弟约瑟迎接。当他们屈膝 在埃及的长官面前时,他们并没有意识到约瑟小时候的梦实现了:十捆麦子跪拜约瑟的那捆! (创 37:7)

约瑟用这次的遭遇管教和试验他哥哥。他称他们为间谍使他们说出他的父亲和胞弟便雅悯的情况。 他藉拘留西缅来测试他们的团结度;他们会抛弃他或再回来,与埃及苛刻总督的另一次可怕相遇? 有趣的是,约瑟告诉他们这样做的目的是:看看他们是否是诚实的人。但他们并不知道那长官就 是约瑟,无论怎样,他们意识到他们这样的“衰运”和麻烦是神灵对他们过去所犯的罪的惩罚, 尤其是他们怎样对待约瑟的缘故。

所以,即使他们满载而归,不花钱就获得,整个家却陷入麻烦。雅各拒绝让便雅悯去,恐怕失去 另一个儿子。他情愿冒险留西缅在埃及,也不想失去拉结,他最爱的妻子,仅留的独一的儿子, 仅仅是他们的粮食又光了,雅各因饥荒要重新考虑冒失去孩子的风险。在犹大承诺将负全责且晓 得他们没有任何替代品的情况下,他们才被允许返回埃及和他们的弟弟一起。

哥哥们还回了钱并带来了便雅悯证明了他们信任度。约瑟释放了西缅并邀请他的哥哥们吃个便饭。 虽然这种会面变得越来越私密且带有私人情感,约瑟决定继续试验他们。他想知道他们会用什么 样的代价保护他们被宠坏的弟弟的幸福。所以,他把他的值钱的银杯,据说用于通灵的,放在便 雅悯的麻袋里。然后,他追赶他们,指控他们偷窃。他们极力否认这一点,并同意谁偷谁该死。 所以,当那银杯在便雅悯的财物力被发现,他们比以前更麻烦。

但,这次哥哥们又通过了试验;尤其是犹大。他做了一个充满激情的讲话,当中提出自己代替罪 犯。在这如此诚实和真诚地呼吁之后,,约瑟再也不能控制自己。他也不再需要隐藏自己真实的 身份,因他的哥哥们已清楚证明他们已经改变了。所以,约瑟承认了。他的哥哥们惊呆了。他们 需要时间来消化这个消息,因为这颠倒了他们整个世界!

在这个神的主权控制美好的见证里,约瑟解释说,他们的行为背后的含义:神自己在做工。神安 排约瑟到埃及为整个的家预备地方。祂用祂爱子的被杀保全祂的百姓的生命。神以这种方式完成 对亚伯拉罕的应许,是他成为大国!

读经: 创 46.47

哥哥们回到迦南,到父亲雅各那里。他们共同分享着这奇妙的消息,约瑟还活着,并且做了埃及 的宰相。只是以色列听到整个故事后,看到的是来帮助家庭迁移的埃及战车,他才相信他们的报 告。主,神再次在梦中向他显现并确定迁移到埃及是符合神的计划。所以,一整个大家庭整装出 发到埃及。约瑟已经决定将歌栅最适合他们居住的地方。那是在国家的郊区,也许是些很难生长 庄稼却适合牧放羊群的地方。埃及人瞧不起牧羊人,所以,越是隔离的地方,就越是可以保证亚

伯拉罕的后裔和埃及人分开。他们在那里繁荣,数量突发增长以致成为大国,正如神应许他们的 父辈亚伯拉罕的。

同时,约瑟的建议使法老的财富和权力增强。为防止饥饿,居民先花光了所有的金钱,继而他们 的动物,最终是他们的土地。但是,约瑟让他们继续耕种土地却加重他们的赋税。法老笑了;生 活从来没有这么滋润过!

读经: 创 48-50

雅各说了:“我要在我死前去看我的儿子约瑟。”他知道他已经老了,不会再活很多年的。他对 法老说:“我的朝圣年日是 130 年。”他知道作为朝圣者,他没有办法到达应许之地。所以,当 雅各的健康恶化,约瑟来看他,和他一同来的还有他的儿子玛拿西和以法莲。雅各和他们分享神 是怎样在伯特利向他显现。作为一个孤独的年轻男子,他曾前往一个遥远的国度,但上帝保佑他 成为一个大家族。同样,约瑟也孤身去往另一个遥远的国家,神也祝福了他,使他繁荣。然而, 神在两人的旅程中,要打发他们将亚伯拉罕的后代建成大国。

所以,雅各在他的遗嘱里给约瑟双份的遗产:约瑟的儿子以在雅各的名下来算的。所以我们(以 后)不再读到约瑟支派,但我们会读到玛拿西和以法莲两个支派。理论上,他们将会有 13 个支派 居住在应许地。但是,当雅各祝福约瑟的儿子时,他交叉了手,给予了小儿子更多的祝福。早在 一百年前,雅各欺骗父亲以得着更多的祝福,现在,神继续以奇异的方式工作:约瑟是十二个当 中倒数第二,再一次,他的小儿子比哥哥得着更多的祝福。


流便和父亲的妾睡觉 (35:22)

然而,犹大,被称为狮子。奇妙的预言显而易见:“权杖(王权的象征)将永远属于犹大,直到 属于祂的那位来到。万国都要来敬拜祂!”如果你有来认识,主耶稣的福音,你就会明白这个从 以色列口中的祝福是基督来的另一个预言。祂是“犹大的狮子!” 启(5:5)

在欧洲基督徒埋葬死人时,他们视作将种子埋在土壤里。所以,当他们站在墓旁,他们伤心失去 亲人,但他们也盼望终有一天:“从种子生出的新的植物”。当耶稣再来,审判这个世界时,所 有的人都会复活来到他的面前接受审判。那些属乎主的,将有一个新的,荣耀的身体永远荣耀他 们的神。

在创世记的最后,我们也站在墓旁。我们读到关于雅各的墓和约瑟的墓;两个朝圣者他们受到神 双倍的祝福。这里是亚伯拉罕两个儿子,他们相信神的应许。有理由伤心。局势的表面看起来不 好;亚伯拉罕的后代几乎不认识神。从许多方面,他们已经变成和周围国家的人一样。现在,他 们不得不离开应许给他们父辈的土地。那神应许给祖先亚伯拉罕的会变成怎样呢?

但是,雅各和约瑟继续相信神。作为家族的见证,他们坚持要把他们的尸体带到应许之地。以色 列的尸体由战车和马兵护送。这将成为以色列的希望:总有一天,他的后代将效法他。约瑟的尸 体将保留,但当时间到了,当“以色列”要离开埃及的时候,他的后代要将他的尸体一同带走, 带到神向父辈们应许的地方。


圣经头五本书被称为“摩西五经”。但是,创世记这本书记录的是摩西以前的历史。在那之后记 录停止了将近 400 年摩西才出现。那时,神记念祂和亚伯拉罕所立的约,祂要创立以色列国。显 然,从亚伯拉罕时代,人们就开始写作。无论怎样,神要确定远古历史要被记录。也许,以色列 的大多数牧羊人不会读也不会写,但约瑟和他的儿子们一定受到很好的教育。如果普通人是个文 盲,很可能创世纪的书面记录存放在埃及的档案馆。四百年后,以色列的有一个后代受到很好的 教育。这个人也有机会进入国家档案馆并且他对希伯来文化是真的很有兴趣(亚伯拉罕的子孙)。 圣经没有告诉我们记录是怎样被保存或怎样流传。然而,我们知道约瑟夫有一个真正的兴趣,就 是确保他的人民知道他们的遗产,就是他们要知道神对亚伯拉罕,以撒,雅各的应许。上帝确保 了创世记纪录将会保存和保护。祂安排又一次亚伯拉罕的单纯的儿子会得到一个在埃及法院的特 权地位。他将再次用这保证亚伯拉罕的后代将成为大国,有一天,这些百姓要回到应许之地。


  1. 1  约瑟可以被看作是耶稣的画面。你发现有什么相似之处?

  2. 2  救挪亚和他的家人脱离洪水的希伯来文“方舟”,也用在摩西的篮子里。读出 2:1-10。 正如救挪亚那样,神拯救摩西脱离水的威胁,以建立神的国度而进行新的开始。

  3. 3  阅读:出 13:19:摩西带着约瑟的骨头,因为约瑟曾叫以色列人庄严宣誓:“神必定看顾 你们,你们要把我的骸骨从这里搬上去。”

Lesson 20. Reconciliation, Peace, and Hope

Read: Genesis 42 45

With Genesis 42 the story returns from Joseph in Egypt to Jacob’s family in the land of Canaan. The old father Jacob takes on leadership for his extended family by calling his sons into action. The family is in need of food while “Egypt” appears to have plenty. God is in control of supply and demand, and he uses it to lead Abraham’s seed into ‘exile’ in Egypt. While Jacob’s favorite son is kept at home, his ten brothers journey to Egypt to purchase food for the family. When they arrive at the place of distribution, they are greeted by their brother Joseph. As they bow down before the Egyptian governor, they do not realize that Joseph’s childhood dream is being fulfilled: ten bundles of wheat bowing before Joseph’s! (Genesis 37: 7)

Joseph uses the encounter to discipline and test his brothers. He calls them spies in order to make them tell about his father and (full brother) Benjamin. He tests their integrity by detaining Simeon; will they abandon him or return to another fearful encounter with the harsh governor of Egypt? Interestingly, Joseph tells them the purpose of his action: to see if they are honorable men. While they do not know that the governor is Joseph, somehow they see their “bad luck” and trouble as a divine punishment for their sins of the past, especially how they have treated Joseph.

So, although they return with plenty of food, acquired at no cost, the family is deeply troubled. Jacob refuses to let Benjamin go, in fear of losing yet another son. He rather risks leaving Simeon in Egypt then losing his only remaining son of Rachel, his most beloved wife. Only when they are out of food and Jacob is in danger of losing children due to the famine is the situation reconsidered. After Judah pledges full responsibility and when no alternatives are left, father Jacob finally gives his permission to return to Egypt- with their younger brother.

The brothers prove their trustworthiness by returning the money and by presenting Benjamin. Joseph has Simeon released and invites his brothers for a formal dinner. Although the meeting becomes more personal and emotional, Joseph decides to continue the testing. He wants to know at what cost they would protect the wellbeing of a spoiled young brother. So, he has his valuable silver cup, reportedly used to contact spirits, planted into Benjamin’s sack. He then pursues them and charges them with theft. They vehemently deny this and agree that the thief deserves to die. So, when the cup is found in Benjamin’s possession, they are even more troubled than before.

But, once again the brothers pass the test; especially Judah. He has a passionate speech in which he offers himself as substitute for the one condemned for the crime. After this honest and heartfelt appeal of his brothers, Joseph can no longer control himself. No longer does he need to hide his true identity, for his brothers have clearly demonstrated that they have changed. So, Joseph bursts out in his confession. His brothers are shocked. They need time to process this news, for it turns their whole world upside down!

In a wonderful testimony to the sovereign control of God, Joseph explains that behind their actions-, God himself had been at work. God had arranged Joseph to go to Egypt to prepare a home for his whole family. He used the ‘murder’ of the beloved son to secure the lives of his people. In this way God would fulfill his promises to Abraham to make him into a great nation!

Read: Genesis 46, 47

The brothers return to Canaan, to father Jacob. They share the amazing news that Joseph lives, and that he is ruler over Egypt. Only after Israel hears the whole story and sees the Egyptian chariots that came along to help the family move, can he believe their report. The Lord God appears to him once more in a dream and confirms that the move to Egypt is in accordance with God’s plans. So, the whole extended family packs up and moves to Egypt. Joseph has already decided that the land of Goshen would be most suitable. This was on the outskirts of the nation, and it probably had land unsuitable for growing crops but good for grazing sheep and goats. The Egyptians looked down on shepherds, so the more isolated location would ensure that Abraham’s seed would remain separated from the Egyptians. There they prospered and increased greatly in number so that they would grow into the nation that God had promised to their father Abraham.

Meanwhile, Joseph’s advice increased Pharaoh’s wealth and power. To prevent starvation the citizens first spent their money, then their animals, and finally their land. Yet, Joseph let them continue to farm the land while he increased their taxes. Pharaoh smiled; life had never been better!

Read: Genesis 48 50

Jacob had said, “I will go to see my son Joseph before I die.” He knew he was an old man who would not live many more years. To Pharaoh he said, “My pilgrimage has been 130 years.” Yet, he realized that as a pilgrim he would not reach the promised land. So, when Jacob’s health began to deteriorate, Joseph came to visit him, together with his sons Manasseh and Ephraim. Jacob shared with his son how God had appeared to him at Bethel. As a lonely young man he had traveled to a distant land where God had nevertheless blessed him with a large family. Similarly, Joseph had made his lonely journey to another distant land where God had blessed and prospered him. Yet, God had been there in both their journeys, and He had used them to build Abraham’s seed into a great nation.

So, Jacob gives Joseph a double share in the inheritance: Joseph’s sons will count as if they were Jacob’s own sons. Therefore we do not (later) read about a tribe of Joseph, but we find reference to the two tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim. Technically there were to be thirteen tribes to settle the Promised Land. Yet, when Jacob turns to bless Joseph’s sons he switches his hands to give the younger boy the greater blessing. A century earlier Jacob used deceit to get his father’s greater blessing, and now God continues to work in his surprising ways: Joseph was the second youngest of the twelve, and again- his younger son would be greater than his brother.

Also when Jacob blesses his other sons, it is clear that the older ones do not get the greater blessings:

  • Reuben had slept with his father’s concubine (35: 22).
  • Simeon and Levi had murdered the Shechemites (34: 26).

Judah, however, is called a lion. An amazing prophecy is pronounced: “The scepter (symbol of royalty) will always belong to Judah, until the One come to whom this authority belongs. All the nations will

worship Him!” If you have come to know the Lord Jesus through the Gospels, you will recognize this blessing from Israel as another prophecy of the coming of Christ. He is “the Lion of Judah!” (Rev. 5: 5)

When Christians in Europe bury their dead, they see the buried body as a seed put into the soil. So, as they stand at the grave site they mourn a loss, but they also look forward to the Last Day when “a new plant will rise from the seed”. For when Jesus returns as Judge of the world, then all shall rise to be judged by Him. Those who belong to the Master shall be given new, glorified bodies with which they can glorify their God forever.

At the end of Genesis we also stand at the grave. We read about the graves of Jacob and of Joseph; two pilgrims who received the double blessing of God. Here are two sons of Abraham who trusted in God’s promises. There is reason to mourn. At the surface the situation is not good; Abraham’s sons hardly know their God. In many ways they have become like the nations around them. Now they have had to leave the land promised to their fathers. What will become of God’s promises to father Abraham?

But Jacob and Joseph continue to trust in God. And as a testimony to their family, the people of Israel, they insist that their dead bodies be taken to the Promised Land. Israel’s body was accompanied by chariots and horsemen. It would become Israel’s hope: one day his offspring would follow him. Joseph’s body would remain, but when the time would come for “Israel” to leave Egypt, his children would take his body and bring it with them, all the way to the land that was promised to their fathers.


The first five books of the Bible are commonly called “the Books of Moses”. Yet, the book of Genesis records the history before Moses. After that the record stops for about four hundred years until Moses appears on the scene. At that time God remembers His covenant with Abraham and He will create the nation of Israel. Apparently, people have been writing since Abraham’s days. Somehow, God made sure the ancient history was recorded. Perhaps most of Israel’s shepherds did not read or write, but Joseph and his sons must have had a good education. If the common man was illiterate it is quite likely that a written record of Genesis survived in the archives of Egypt. After four centuries there was another descendant of Israel who had received a good education. This man, Moses, also had access to the national archives and he had a real interest in learning about the Hebrews (the descendants of Abraham). The Bible does not tell us how the record survived or how it was passed on. Yet, we know that Joseph had a real interest to ensure that his people knew their heritage, and that they knew God’s promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. God made sure that the Genesis record would be kept and preserved. He arranged it that once more a simple son of Abraham would get a privileged position at the Egyptian court. He would use this again to ensure that Abraham’s seed would grow into a large people and that one day these people would return to the Promised Land.

Food for Thought

  1. 1  Joseph can be seen as a picture of Jesus. What parallels can you discover?

  2. 2  The Hebrew word for “ark”, the boat that saved Noah and his family from drowning is also used in Moses’ basket. Read Exodus 2: 1-10. As with Noah, God saves Moses from the threatening water to make a new beginning in the building of His Kingdom.

  3. 3  Read: Exodus 13:19: Moses took the bones of Joseph with him, for Joseph had made the Israelites solemnly swear, “God will surely attend to you, and you will carry my bones up from this place with you.

  4. 4  Read Hebrews 11: 22. Why is Joseph an example for us?

第十九课 从监犯到总理

我们或许知道约瑟那困扰的青年的结果,但对他来说一定是一漫长的时间:似乎他经历更糟的生 活有一些年,即使他试图像一个值得信赖的人和一个忠实的仆人生活。在他突然升职之前几乎花 了一半的岁月是作为奴隶和监犯生活。然而,另一方面,在那些年间,神与他同在。祂不但是陶 造他成为有个性的人,要拯救他的家,并且祂祝福他,因此他不知何故不管到什么地方,那地都 繁荣。而且,他们的主人注意到好像“神灵”就是和这年轻人一起。所以,当他被投到监狱里, 没有多久,他就有了相对的自由,做了负责人像是少年监狱守卫。监狱的生活超级无聊,但有一 天,两个高级官员来充数:一个膳长,一个酒政来自皇宫!

读经: 创 40 膳长和酒政的故事

两个官员有显赫的位置,也许他们都参与了一些袭击法老的阴谋:强大的埃及民族的皇帝。被控 刑事罪行,他们被投到监狱里,在那里变成约瑟的手下。也许他们要呆在监狱里是被检查等候裁 决:若是有罪就是死;若是无罪就存活。

过了一段时间,两人都做了一个梦。只是一个短梦,但不知怎的,两人就是觉得一定是征兆,尤 其是两人在同一个夜里做同样的梦。有趣的是,显然这些表面的随机事件是由上帝精心策划的, 是祂的工作计划。祂把法老的仆从放在约瑟的手下管理;祂给他们梦同时又给约瑟钥匙去打开这 梦的意境。所以约瑟告诉他们接下来的几天里要发生在他们身上的事:酒政会活下来,而膳长却 会死。并且,真的,就在他说这些话:没有多久酒政就官复原职。但膳长,原来是伺候皇帝饮食 的,现在要用自己的尸体来喂野鸟,被挂在树上。

约瑟想这是一个他出狱的最佳机会,但是酒政却即刻忘记他在监狱里的艰难日子以及他对约瑟所 承诺的向法老建议是约瑟提前假释。所以,他不得不等足两年。只是时间一到,神就动工。一些 重大的改变即将发生,影响整个中东。并且在这些事件的中心,神为约瑟预留了一个非常特别的 角色。。。。。。

读经: 创 41 从监犯到总理

约瑟的故事鼓励了许多人。它已被用于音乐剧和好莱坞电影。难怪,故事刻画有人错误地归咎于 犯罪,经过若干年的误判造成的患难,他终于平反和恢复自由。故事是坐落在家庭事务:随着约 瑟那戏剧性的变化,他的家庭由一个沮丧的男人分裂组合而变得为生存而斗争中团结的家庭。然 而,神有祂更远更大的计划。他使用世间最有能力的人来完成祂对亚伯拉罕的应许。祂要藉着亚 伯拉罕的子孙来建立祂的国度!

酒政现在形成法老和约瑟的关键环节;皇帝和监犯。神透过给法老一个重要的信息同时又给约瑟 钥匙解开它的意思而把这些人联系到一起。所以,最终约瑟能离开监狱,他将神的计划显现出来: 将有 7 年丰年接着又有 7 年荒年。约瑟立即建议法老运用这些知识制定聪明的财务管理策略。

所以,这个年轻人,曾被放在波提乏的家里做管家,又在帝国监狱里呆过,现在要管理整个国家。 三十岁他就变成世上第二最有权力和最富有的人。正如约瑟所说的,接着的年日,埃及经历了丰 盛,这祝福连续 7 年之久。那些年间,法老在全国范围购买并储存粮食。所以,当丰收的时间已 经结束,就轮到法老获得利润了。他能把便宜收购来的粮食以好价钱卖给埃及和周边国家的饥饿 的人群。

所以,场景已经设定:雅各的儿子们需要粮食维持自己的家庭,而他们弃绝的弟弟是在埃及的管 仓的。所以,神利用迦南地的饥荒将亚伯拉罕的后裔带到埃及。正如他对亚伯拉罕说的 (15:13,14),他要带领祂的百姓到一个陌生的地方。埃及就是那个地方,保存和生育时间。以 色列将被与邪恶国家隔离,亚伯拉罕的种子还是会长成众多。与此同时,迦南地允准在其 10 多代 人的邪恶行为继续下去,直到怒杯满了并亚伯拉罕的种子已准备好接受那地作为居住地方,繁荣 的祭司国度,圣洁的国民的土地。



  1. 1  读创 47:13-27,神用事件孤立和祝福以色列。同时,法老自己也非常成功,整个国家基本上 受制于他。神自己带来重大的政治和经济变革,最终祂的目的就是要恢复祂对创造的统治; 以建立祂的国度。

  2. 2  为什么膳长和酒政在监狱里?也许法老生病了,怨他的食物造成的。帝王总是要小心中毒, 特别是左右贴身侍卫如膳长和酒政。你看过电影“末代皇帝”? 在紫禁城使用了什么侍卫,


约瑟夫如何命名他的儿子赞美上帝? 电影封面, 1995 

Lesson 19. From Prisoner to Prime Minister

We may know the outcome of Joseph’s troubled youth, but for him it must have been a long time: for years he seemed to get the worst of life, even if he tried to live as a trustworthy person and a faithful servant. Before his sudden rise to fame almost half of his years were spent as slave and prisoner. Yet, on the other hand, God was with him during all those years. He not only trained Joseph to be a man of character, who would save his family. He also blessed him, so that he somehow prospered wherever he ended up. And his masters noticed how the “gods” seemed to be with this young man. So, when Joseph lands in prison, it does not take long before he gets a certain freedom and responsibility as a junior prison guard. Life in prison can be pretty boring, but one day two high officials ended up in the stocks: the baker and the butler from the imperial palace!

Read: Genesis 40 The Story of the Baker and the Butler

Both officials had positions of great responsibility, and perhaps they were involved in some plot to attack Pharaoh: the emperor of the mighty Egyptian nation. Charged with criminal offense, they ended up in jail, where they came under the charge of Joseph. Perhaps they had to stay in jail until their involvement was examined, awaiting their verdict: death if they were found guilty; life if they were found to be innocent.

After some time both men have a dream. They are just short dreams, but somehow the men feel that they must be significant, especially as both had similar dreams during the same night. It is fascinating to see how these apparently random- events are orchestrated by God to work out his plans. He has put the servants of Pharaoh under the care of Joseph; he gives them dreams while he gives Joseph the key to understand their meanings. So, Joseph tells them what will await them in the days to come: life to the butler; death to the baker. And, indeed, just as he said: shortly thereafter the butler is restored to his honorable position. The baker, however, instead of feeding the emperor gets to feed the wild birds with his own dead body, hanging from a tree.

Joseph must have thought this was the perfect reference to get him out of jail, but the butler soon forgot his miserable time in jail and the promise to Joseph to recommend him for early parole. So, he has to wait for two full years. Only then the time is ready for the Lord to act. Some major changes are about to take place that affect the whole Middle East. And at the centre of these events, God has reserved a very special role for Joseph...

Read: Genesis 41 From Prisoner to Prime Minister

The story of Joseph has inspired many people. It has been used in musicals and Hollywood movies. No wonder, the story line portrays someone wrongfully blamed of crime. After suffering many years of injustice, he is finally vindicated and restored. The story is nestled in his family’s affairs: through Joseph’s dramatic changes, the family is transformed from a broken group of frustrated men to a family united in their struggle for survival. Yet, God has a far bigger plan. He uses the world’s most powerful man to fulfill his promises to Abraham. He means to build a Kingdom for Himself through the Son of Abraham!

The butler now forms the crucial link between Pharaoh and Joseph; the emperor and the prisoner. God brings these men together by giving Pharaoh an important message and by giving Joseph the key to unlock its meaning. So, finally Joseph can leave prison, and he reveals the plan of God: there will be seven years of bumper crops and economic prosperity followed by seven years of famine and depression. Joseph immediately suggests Pharaoh make use of this knowledge in a clever strategy of financial management.

And so, the young man who had been put in charge of Potiphar’s house and of the imperial prison is now in charge of the whole nation. At the age of thirty he has suddenly become the world’s second most powerful and wealthy man. Just as Joseph had said, the following year Egypt had an excellent harvest, and the blessings continued for seven full years. During those years, Pharaoh bought and stockpiled grain collected from the whole nation. So, when the time of bumper crops was over, it was Pharaoh’s turn to reap the benefits. He could sell the cheaply acquired food at good prices to the starving crowds in Egypt and surrounding nations.

And so the stage is set: Jacob’s sons are in need of food to sustain their families, while the brother they rejected is in charge of the storehouses of Egypt! So, God will use the famine in Canaan to bring Abraham’s seed to Egypt. Just as he had told Abraham (15: 13, 14), he is going to bring his people to a strange land. Egypt will be a place and time for preservation and procreation. Israel will be quarantined from the evil nations and Abraham’s seed will grow into a multitude. Meanwhile, Canaan is allowed to continue for ten more generations in their evil practices until the cup of wrath is full and Abraham’s seed is ready to receive their land as a place to dwell and prosper as a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.

However, before Abraham’s seed can be brought to Egypt’s land, Jacob’s family must be reconciled.

Food for Thought

  1. 1  Read Genesis 47: 13-27. God used the events to isolate and bless Israel. Meanwhile, Pharaoh himself was so successful that the whole nation was basically enslaved to him. God is bringing about major political and economic changes, but in the end his purpose is to restore His rule in creation; to build the Kingdom of God.

  2. 2  Why were the baker and the butcher in jail? Perhaps the Pharaoh got sick and blamed on his food. Kings and emperors always had to be careful about poisoning, especially by close servants, such as baker and butcher. Did you watch the movie “The Last Emperor”? What safeguards were used in The Forbidden City to prevent the poisoning of the emperor?

约瑟夫如何命名他的儿子赞美上帝? 电影封面, 1995 

第十八课 黑暗里的光

读经: 创 39 章,代上 4:1-23

我们读圣经时,经常看到在最黑暗时期,神就用祂的光来打破它。但所有的看起来都转离祂时, 似乎神的计划没有希望实现时,这时神亲自提供一个义人,作为榜样或领导带领祂的百姓回到正 轨。在上一课,我们已经看到亚伯拉罕的后代是怎样地在迦南地变得像迦南人一样。我们也感受 到在神国度建设的计划的历史当中的悲哀的反高潮。然而,神始终掌管一切,就在这时,神准备 了一些人改变来保证祂向亚伯拉罕的应许不至失败。


首先,就是约瑟。宁可相信它不是一个不成熟的闲谈故事,现在我们渐渐知道他成为一个正义的 仆人并且是神对一个民族的见证虽然这个民族并不认识他。约瑟在波提乏家里表现出是一个信得 过的仆人。并且神因着约瑟祝福了波提乏。还有就是当他妻子试图引诱年轻,英俊的奴隶上她的 床时,约瑟仍坚持他的原则。他拒绝背叛他的主人的信任,拒绝犯罪而得罪神。这是正义和盼望 的精彩的画面。经过这么多罪和毁坏,我们在约瑟这个年轻人身上看到,他没有被他的社会的性 犯罪所污染。他持守了信实,他没有犹豫证明了他对上帝的忠诚。

开始时,好像约瑟致力于做正确的事情带来了麻烦。失望带来愤怒,波提乏的妻子修改了故事, 表明是约瑟把企图引诱她犯罪!所以,约瑟再次受到羞辱,从一个有特权的仆人现在变成了囚犯。 然而,即使在监牢,神一样祝福他,装备他(透过艰难)要把以色列从饥荒中拯救出来,将亚伯 拉罕的后裔从迦南的邪恶行为中分离出来。


我们把约瑟先放一会儿来看看雅比斯。他的祷告近期在说英语的世界里因布鲁斯威尔金森出版的 书,变得非常流行,威尔金森表明我们应该不断重复雅比斯的祷告,以致神也祝福我们。如果我们 以雅比斯为榜样,我们也可以得到神为我们带来健康和财富。

历代志上 4:9,10 告诉我们雅比斯比他的兄弟更诚实。为什么?因为他向神祷告!在他的痛苦时他 转向上帝,表达他的倚靠和他的盼望是在他父亲的神那里。虽然他的哥哥们(犹大的儿子们!) 已经变得和他们周围的人一样,雅比斯祷告神。为什么?是神透过疼痛在他心里动工。他母亲留 给他的名字只意味着“衰运”。他的名字听起来好像土语“痛”,因此它被解释为对自己的未来 一个不好的预兆。正是这一不好的预言让雅比斯向神呼求。“不要给我痛苦和麻烦的生命;而要 保护我,祝福我!”神应允了他所求的。

那么,我们应该效仿雅比斯,重复他的祷告吗?我们应该吗?就好像吃药一样一天祷告一到两次 然后经历从神而来的健康和财富吗?

那么,首先我们要认识到我们所处理的是关于神国建设的历史,不是我们个人房屋的建设手册。 上帝告诉我们祂如何处理自己的人民,以恢复祂的统治,创造辉煌。第二,我们要认识到雅比斯 并没有被描述成一个与神通行的人。圣经告诉我们,他比他的那些邪恶的哥哥们要好,因为他对 痛的害怕使得他向神呼求。他学会了最基本的功课(为我们的福气)我们要倚靠神(诗 127)。 他已经意识到神是一切的泉源(诗 1:17)。

然而,这仅仅是第一步。要想继续在神里面成长,必须是第二部。如果我们持续地祷告,相信神 只是为我们个人的利益,我们就没有抓住要点。那些不认识神的人也许烧香,转经轮,以确保他 们的个人祝福,但一旦我们认识独一的真神,我们就会晓得祂不是为我们而存在的;我们被造是 要侍奉祂!因此,雅各警告我们(雅 4:3)淫乱的心会发出自私的祷告;意思是说心对神不忠实! 耶稣教导我们“先求神的国”(太 6:3),相信祂会照顾我们一切的需要。

雅比斯是黑暗中的一点光,但如果我们把雅比斯当作我们的目标,我们就误会了,我们必须超越 雅比斯身上把目标定在耶稣身上。耶稣有权利为祂自己拥有一切,但祂却甘心乐意放弃一切,甚 至祂的生命,顺服父神(腓 2:5)。


  1. “我的主人将一切都交给我,除了你,因为你是他的妻子。我怎么能做这样的恶事而得罪 神!”这些话值得我们印在脑海中。我祷告,耶稣的门徒们要记得这句话,当他们遭遇性犯 罪的试探。如果只是亚当和夏娃有说这样的话,很久以前在乐园里,当撒旦试图引诱他们第 一次犯罪“我们的主已经将所有的都赐给我们除了这一颗树上的果子!我们怎么能做出这恶 事,犯罪而得罪神!”

  2. 就好像雅比斯,人们经常仅仅在他们恐惧或经历艰难和麻烦时寻求神或向神呼求。在柬埔寨 “红色高棉”恐怖谋杀时期,在该国基督的教会开始蓬勃发展,确实,在最黑暗的日子,人 们才学会寻求并看见神的光!

  3. 在网上去查关于威尔金森的刊物。其他人说什么?许多人(西方人)读圣经只为个人利益和 繁荣还是他们寻求神是为荣耀神而活?

Lesson 18. Lights in the Darkness

Read: Genesis 39, 1 Chronicles 4: 1-23

When we read the Bible we often see that in the times of greatest darkness God breaks through with His light. When it seems that all have turned away from Him and there is no hope of God’s plan to come to fulfillment, then God Himself provides a righteous person as model or as leader to bring His people back on track. In the previous lesson we have seen how the offspring of father Abraham has become like the Canaanites in Canaan. We have reached a sad anticlimax in the history of God’s Kingdom building plans. And yet, God is still in control, and just at this time God prepares some people to make a difference and to secure that His promises to Abraham will not fail.

The Righteousness of Joseph

First, there is Joseph. Rather than an immature tattle tale, we now get to know him as a righteous servant and a witness of God to a nation that does not know Him. Joseph shows himself a reliable servant in the house of Potiphar. And the Lord blesses Potiphar because of Joseph. And when his wife tries to lure the young and handsome slave into her bed, Joseph sticks to his principles. He refuses to betray his master’s trust, and he refuses to sin against his God. This is a wonderful picture of righteousness and hope. After so much sin and corruption, we find in Joseph an upright young man, who is not polluted by the sexual sins of his society. He remains faithful, and he does not hesitate to testify to his allegiance with God.

At first, it seems that Joseph’s commitment to do the right thing only brings him trouble. In her rage of disappointment, Potiphar’s wife changes the story and suggests that it was Joseph who sought to seduce her into sin! And so, Joseph is humiliated again, and from a privileged servant he now becomes a prisoner. Yet, even there God blesses him and prepares him (through hardship!) to deliver Israel from famine and to isolate Abraham’s seed from the wicked practices of Canaan.

The Prayer of Jabez

We leave Joseph for a while to pay attention to Jabez. His prayer recently became very popular in the English speaking world through a book written by Bruce Wilkinson. Wilkinson suggests that we should regularly repeat Jabez’ prayer, so that God would bless us too. If we follow Jabez’ example, we may expect God to also bring us health and wealth.

1 Chronicles 4: 9, 10 tells us that Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. Why? Because he prayed to God! He turned to God in his agony, and expressed his dependence on and his hope in the God of his fathers. Although his brothers (the sons of Judah!) had become like the nations around them, Jabez prayed to God. Why? God worked in his heart through the fear of pain. His mother left him with a name that could only mean ‘bad fortune’. His name sounded like the local word for “pain”, so it was interpreted as a bad omen for his future. It was this bad predicament that made Jabez cry out to God. “Don’t give me a life of pain and trouble; rather protect me and bless me!” And God gave him what he asked for.

So, should we follow Jabez’ example and repeat his prayer so that God would make us prosper too? Should we, like good medicine, pray it once or twice a day to experience the health and wealth from God?

Well, first of all we must realize that we are dealing with the history of the building of God’s Kingdom, not a manual for the building of our personal estate. God shows us how He deals with His people in order to restore the creation to his rule and glory. Second, we must realize that Jabez is not described as a man who walked with God. The Bible shows that he is better than his wicked brothers, because his fear of pain brings him to cry out to God. He has learned the basic lessons that (for our blessing) we depend on God (read Psalm 127). He has realized that God is the source of all good things (James 1: 17).

Yet, this is only the first step. To continue to grow in God, there must be a second step. If we continue to pray to, and trust in God merely for our personal gain, we miss the point. People who don’t know God may seek to burn incense and turn prayer wheels to secure their personal blessings, but once we have come to know the true and only God, we realize that He does not exist for us; we were made to serve Him! So, James warns us (James 4: 3) that self-seeking prayers spring forth from an adulterous heart; that means a heart that is not faithful to God! Jesus teaches us to “First seek His Kingdom” (Matthew 6: 3), and trust that He will take care of our needs.

Jabez is a light in deep darkness, but if we set Jabez as our goal, we miss the point. We must move beyond Jabez and aim for Jesus. Jesus had all the rights to have everything for Himself, yet he voluntarily gave up everything, even His own life, in obedience to the Father (Philippians 2: 5).

Food for Thought

1 “My master has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How could I do such a wicked thing and sin against God!” These words deserve to be framed in our minds. I pray that Jesus’ followers would remember these words when they are tempted into sexual sins. If only Adam and Eve had spoken such language, when Satan tried to trick them into the first sins, long ago in Paradise. “Our Lord has withheld nothing from us except the fruit of this one tree! How then could we do such a wicked thing and sin against our God!”

2 Just like Jabez, people usually only seek God or cry out to Him, when they fear or experience trouble and hardship. It was during the murderous terror of the “Khmer Rouge” in Cambodia that the church of Christ began to grow and prosper in that country. Indeed, in times of greatest darkness, people learn to seek and see the Light of God.

3 Check on the Internet about Wilkinson’s publication. What do others say? Do many (Western) people read the Bible for personal benefit and prosperity, or do they seek God and live to His glory?


读经: 创 3437,和 38


起初,神的创造是好的,非常好。然而,不管怎样,不是所有都好,也存在恶。圣经告诉我们 (启 12:7-9),天使中有悖逆。这些的灵成了神的敌人,并且,这些鬼的头被称为“撒旦”。 在圣经里常常称为怪物,兽,龙,或蛇(启 12:13-17)

神按照祂的形象造人,并把他们安置在祂美丽的园子里。不久,他们听从了撒旦,无视神的警告。 这个事件被叫做:“堕落”,带来一整个的连锁反应,以致于整个被造物的世界每个角落无不呈 现出破裂和毁坏的印记。

不久,这个毁坏在人的中间达到一个非常坏的境地,神降下毁灭性的洪水。祂要藉着祂可接受的 余民进行新的开始。所以,祂重新开始,祂拣选挪亚和他的一家来遍满“新”地。但,没有多久, 恶又开始散播,就好像癌症一样渗到神的新的创造中。

不过,神守约,祂没有毁灭祂的创造。祂应许要兴起一把“屠龙剑”与黑暗的势力战斗,重建神 的国度。所以,当祂把那些悖谬的人分散到地球各个地方后,神藉着拣选亚伯兰进行新的开始。 亚伯兰经历了一生的磨练来认识并相信上帝。他不得不等到许多年才看到神应许开始实现。然而, 最后,他却心甘情愿地把爱子献给神,即使这爱子是在父母年老时给他们带来欢乐。虽然亚伯兰 有时也会犯错,在信心上有时也会失败,但神把他陶造成信心和顺服的楷模。到有一天,亚伯拉 罕的儿子要剑杀龙并成为地上万民的祝福。

然而,一场严峻的较量正在进行。亚伯拉罕的后裔(女人的受祝福的种子)居住在迦南的后裔 (蛇的受咒诅的种子)中间。 而且,亚伯拉罕的孩子并没有继承父辈的脚步。以撒对雅各失望, 因为雅各离敬虔人的标准太远了。这一课,我们将看到(三个场景)说明雅各的儿子们更坏!

1 示剑的性和屠杀

雅各愚蠢,竟住在迦南人的城中!(33:18)。所以,有一天雅各的女儿底拿在镇上与同伴闲逛。 却很快引起年轻男子的注意。所以,示剑的长子,抓住她并与她发生性关系两性之间的性别驱 动,邪恶的迦南人。他央求他的父亲说服底拿的父亲,使姑娘成为他的妻子。然而,姑娘的哥哥 们生气了,在他们看来示剑的儿子做了不光彩的事!

所以,当示剑的爸爸来向雅各示好,用财产来疏通关系时,他的儿子们主导了谈判。他们提出只 有受割礼的人才能和他们建立关系。他们的诡计得逞了。 示剑的儿子们说服城里的人同富裕的邻 居自由贸易获利,那么割礼将是一个值得它付出的代价。这背后当然是示剑人的爱(或欲望)和 首席丢脸的风险。所以,正当城中所有的男人在痛苦中,正在休养他们自残的身体时,雅各的儿 子们冲进他们的房子并杀死所有的人。对他们来说,这看起来干得很漂亮,但对他们的神来说, 一点也不光彩。祂的约的含义被滥用来屠杀抢掠;惩罚,显然对罪犯不起作用。

雅各责备他的儿子们所引致的危机,将失去在迦南人中的人气。然而,上帝的旨意在于要把亚伯 拉罕的后裔和迦南人的后裔分开。所以,每个人都有他们自己的次序和理由,但神使用了雅各儿 子们所犯的罪保守了这样的分开。最终,如果雅各没有安营在罪恶城市里,所有的人的生命本来 可以幸免!

2 作梦者的死亡!

雅各来自一个有着强列的父母偏袒的家庭:他是妈妈的挚爱,但他的哥哥却是爸爸的宠儿。雅各 总是偏爱拉结多过利亚,即使她没法生孩子(而利亚有孩子)。现在拉结死了,雅各的偏爱继续 地落在她的儿子们身上。我们常常看到,当人们得到或要求积极的差别待遇(特别的状况或喜 好),另一些人就给他们否定的待遇(骚扰或要求)。在约瑟身上,同样的情况,我们可以在约 瑟身上发现:父亲越宠爱他,他的哥哥们就越恨他!约瑟也缺乏一些社交技巧;不是淡化自己特 殊的身份,他却喜欢向他们炫耀。 神,对他却有一特殊的计划,在梦中向他显现。这对约瑟无疑 是在他艰难时期的默默地安慰,但他却在他的哥哥们面前吹嘘。

这导致他的哥哥们要摆脱他们的讨厌的弟弟。这些家伙当初在示剑镇毫不犹豫地杀示剑人现在又 同意杀他们自己的弟弟。所以他们鄙视他们父亲的爱,因此他们欺骗父亲,假装说是被野兽吞吃 了!然而,有两个哥哥似乎比其他人要正义些。流便和犹大并不想看到弟弟被杀。但,如果我们 认为他们配做亚伯拉罕的子孙,那我们就大错特错了,流便已堕落与父亲的妾乱伦(35:22)而 犹大的罪在下一章告知。

再次我们看到雅各把事情搞得一塌糊涂;他直接导致兄弟之争,约瑟为奴。 他的爱子被带到埃及, 以致他的全家被拯救。不但如此,当亚伯拉罕的种子完全在迦南地交织时,上帝已准备一条路。 亚伯拉罕的子孙将不得不隔离来保存以及生育。只有这样亚伯拉罕的真正的儿子受到保护。就是 这个将去到埃及将他的子孙释放!神掌管一切, 并且他能“用曲棍打直杆!”祂用弟兄之间的仇 视之罪来拯救他们的家兵保护他们的子孙进入应许之地!


3 犹大和他的儿子们:在迦南的染缸里

犹大离开家,娶了一位迦南女子!似乎这对立(女人的后裔和蛇的后裔分开)完全消失了。 亚伯 拉罕的最伟大的孙子效法迦南人的生活,他的长子如此的邪恶意志上帝决定取了他的命。留下他 的妻子,他玛,没有丈夫,也没有孩子。如果她没有孩子,那么就要由弟弟来帮助哥哥的遗孀得 到孩子留在哥哥的名下是一神圣的责任(申 25:5-6),但犹大的二儿子(俄南)因自私拒绝这样 做。 所以上帝也夺去他的命。犹大为失去儿子埋怨他玛,所以他否定她有后代的权利。过了一些 年,犹大的迦南妻子也死了。

犹大好像很享受迦南的文化。所以,当他去参加一年一度的剪羊毛聚会时,他毫不犹豫地和妓女 睡觉。表面上,他玛很期待这个,因为他是女人,获得性的途径。这是她的计谋,目的是要犹大 偿还他所欠她的:丈夫名下的后代。这是一个耐人寻味的故事,带有滑稽的情节但却有悲伤的含 义:即使是一个看起来比其他的兄弟们要正义的人也变得像迦南人的后裔一样!这就显示以色列 人要随时保持谦卑。不是说他们的祖先的正义使得神优待他们!这是真的恩典:不配得的,从神 而来的奇妙的慈爱,祂记念与亚当,与亚伯拉罕所应许的!


只有当我们意识到生命中没有神时的黑暗,我们才能清楚看到生命的路。只有我们谦卑地来到神 的面前,在祂的圣洁里深深地知道我们的缺点,我们才能在圣灵的感动下感激祂那奇妙的恩典! 如果神可以用这些罪人成为弥赛亚的祖先,祂也能改变今天的最坏的罪人,拣选他们成为祂的儿 女!


  1. 1  谁是“妇人,她生了一个男孩子” (启 12)?

  2. 2  解释句子: “我们常常看到,当人们得到或要求积极的差别待遇(特别的状况或喜好),另

  3. 3  读申命记 25:5-10 明白俄南的罪。这一保护性的律法被称为“娶寡嫂法”。

  4. 4  我们之前在哪里看过这一规律,就是在最黑暗的时期,神总是提供希望之光。

  5. 5  一些中国基督徒认为如果我们有龙或其他怪物的图片或形象在我们的衣服上或在家里是不好 的;这些东西属于魔鬼。在《创世记》第一章,我们已经看到,圣经,根据古老的神话,采 用海洋如混沌、死亡和邪恶的画面。在我家墙上有海洋风光的画会不会不好?