Watching the Sunset
Abandoned to Self-destruction
The Dream of Equality for all
Thomas Sowell is a brilliant researcher in statistics and economics, and he has a strong character as he will not budge to the political pressures of a mob. With plenty of evidence, he demonstrates that many socialist and Social Justice claims manipulate the data in order to push for government intervention that often produces opposite effects than intended.
For instance, the introduction of minimum wage to help (especially) the youth and uneducated workers seems to make sense, but it typically results in the loss of many jobs in the lower-wage sector. And so, there will be a higher demand on government support for the unemployed.
In the first chapter of his book “Discrimination and Disparities”, he addresses the prevalent attitude to the “large disparities in the economic and other outcomes of individuals, groups, and nations …
“Attempts to explain the causes of these disparities have produced a wide range of responses. At one end of the spectrum of explanations offered is the belief that those who have been less fortunate in their outcomes are genetically less capable. At the other end of the spectrum is the belief that those less fortunate are victims of other people who are more fortunate.” 1
Sowell argues that, to be most successful in Western economies, people need to meet five or more prerequisite conditions. Even if the possession of each of these is likely for a quarter of the population, the probability that somebody has all five prerequisites is only one out of a thousand. To complicate matters, the specific prerequisites are not always the same for all times and places.
Sowell then describes a number of factors that obviously create variation in opportunities for success. Here are just some of them:
• People groups in river valleys subject to annual floodings seem to have had a natural privilege for the development of agriculture, the rise of non-productive sectors in the economy, and the birth of civilizations.
• The probability of academic success in first-born children is much higher than for their younger siblings. This typically translates into their probability of higher income in later life. 2
• People from different social backgrounds may have different goals and priorities. 3 The movie Good Will Hunting 4 gives a clear example of this factor. Not everybody has the drive to do their best academically or sees wealth as their greatest desire.
• People from different social backgrounds may have different opportunities.
Sowell refers to the Protestant churches’ crusade promoting the idea that everyone should learn to read (so as to read the Bible personally), rather than have priests tell them what it says and means. 5 Until around 1800, when the U.S. Constitution banned laws that discriminated on the basis of religion, Jews were not admitted to most universities in Europe. 6
Sowell concludes that
“Neither in nature nor among human beings are either equal or randomly distributions automatic. On the contrary, grossly unequal distributions of outcomes are common, both in nature and among people, including in circumstances where neither genes nor discrimination are involved. What seems to be a more tenable conclusion is that, as economic historian David S. Landes put it, ‘The world has never been a level playing field.’ The idea that the world would be a level playing field, 7 if it were not for genes or discrimination, is a preconception in defiance of both logic and facts.”
Even in utopia experiments, equality can only exist when it is enforced by an oppressive elite. Look at Animal Farm, where all animals were considered equal, while some had to be more equal than others.
In the Social Justice camp, there are no efforts towards reconciliation through forgiveness and love, only the perpetuation of envy and hatred. The ultimate goal can only be: destruction of society by revolution. E.F. Schumacher, George Orwell, Thomas Sowell, David Horowitz, and many others realized that Marxism has a sweet coating of charisma for the oppressed, but inside it is full of bitterness and hatred for all, who seem to be -in any way- related to the oppressors.
Black Lives Matter
In the previous article, we introduced the Social Justice movement and its Critical Theory. In 2020, this movement’s focus on race used the death of George Floyd as catalyst for inciting even greater madness of the crowds.
The death of George Floyd triggered 633 violent protests in 220 locations across the United States. These were not peaceful demonstrations, and most of them were very destructive. Yet, the BLM organizers never apologized or expressed regret about the violence and destructions. 8 So, even if it was not planned to be this way, they condoned and embraced it for their cause. When I posted some statistics on social media, showing that racism was not systemic in America, a friend urged me not to rely on statistics, but to listen to “the stories”.
Well, we have stayed in Harlem, New York, and witnessed some urban life in communities of color. In the area we stayed, police sirens seemed to be going almost all the time. When we saw neighboring women stop a drunk, black driver, after he had had run into a parked car, they managed to get his keys and had him on the ground. Then they shouted, “Call the cops!” Apparently, they were not dead-scared of the police, but they saw them as their allies.
So, when everyone seemed to be yelling, “Defund the Police”, I knew that most homicides in America are black young people killing black young people. And I grieved for their mothers, who so desperately needed the police to stop their sons from murdering each other. David Horowitz figures that Black Lives Matter, by its calling to “Defund Police” has caused the death of more blacks than all black deaths by American police in all history. 9 Everybody heard the crowds shout to “Defund Police”, but thankfully, ten months later this shouting stopped. People had come somewhat to their senses, and it was especially the Black people, who were critical about reducing the size or power of the police force.
Voddie Baucham demonstrates the selectivity of BLM by comparing the death of Floyd with the death of Tony Timpa. 10 I have included his summary chart of information. Apparently, the story of Timpa was not the kind of story that Social Justice activists were interested in. Although that scenario appears much more brutal than the Floyd case, Tony Timpa was white and, therefore, there was minimal media attention and so, there were no mass protests in the States.
All lives matter, but some lives seem to matter more than others in the Social Justice camp. The lives of unborn black babies, ironically, seem to matter least of all. Apparently, the abortion rate for black women is more than double that of other women. 11
The privilege of victimhood
I remember a Jewish author arguing that it had been quite convenient that they had been seen as victims of the Holocaust. When society feels guilty about a group’s suffering in the past, this gives power to that group. In the Western mindset, oppression in the past gives (the potential for) privilege in the present.
Shelby Steele elaborates on this in his book White Guilt- How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era. 12
“White guilt leaves no room for moral choice. … It depends on their fear of stigmatization, their fear of being called a racist.” 13 “Black militancy came into existence solely to exploit white guilt as a pressure on white America to take more responsibility for black advancement. White guilt is black power.” 14
So, White people are forced to give privilege to Black people out of compassion, while Blacks are denied their true potential and personal responsibility.
“The greatest black problem in America today is freedom. All underdeveloped, formerly oppressed groups first experience new freedom as a shock and a humiliation, because freedom shows them their underdevelopment and their inability to compete as equals. … Without oppression -and it must be acknowledged that blacks are no longer oppressed in America- the group itself becomes automatically responsible for its inferiority and non-competitiveness. … Almost always, oppressed groups enter freedom by denying that they are in fact free, this as a way of avoiding the daunting level of responsibility that freedom imposes.” 15
Steele experienced this when, in the eighties, there was a push in his English department to lower the standards to accommodate ‘ethnic literature’. And so, he notes “mediocrity was embraced as a means to social fairness.” To the surprise of his colleagues, Shelby protested the proposal. 16 They expected him to grant special privilege for authors of color, and could not see their own racism in doing so.
Gordon Klein is a professor at UCLA. In 2020, he “was asked by a group of non-black students to grade their black classmates more leniently. They wanted him to give them a ‘no-harm’ final exam that will only benefit students’ grades if taken’, they wrote in an email.” Apparently, they argued that it had been a hard year for them because of all the protests surrounding the death of George Floyd. “In his reply to the email, Klein rejected the request for special accommodations for black students.” When some members of the UCLA community called his response ‘insensitive, dismissive, and woefully racist’, Klein was initially suspended, banned from campus, and others were hired to teach his classes. 17
So, conservatives have their stories, too. But, it is the mindset of the reader that counts. Once we are sold to the new illiberalism or to the extreme right, we easily get stuck into the rigid new hives of today. And then we refuse to listen to others and to understand. Political polarization is already a serious problem in the post-modern West. 18
Reclaiming Responsibility
Now, race is not the only issue here. There are plenty of people of colored skin, some of whom I have quoted, who choose and learn to prosper in the modern world. And, among them we find people with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills to become effective activists. The real agitators have been molded by Social Science departments in Western universities, and it should be clear that a fair bit of privilege is required to get admission and success in an academic environment. These then become the new oppressors within their own community. Some critics will argue that (although white people cannot become ‘black’), black people can adopt ‘whiteness’, by adopting white thinking and practices. In that capacity, they too, can become oppressors.
Barack Obama, in his infamous Father’s Day Address in 2008, at the Apostolic Church of God in Chicago, said some things that would make him ‘white’ and ‘racist’ in the current times.
Yes, we need more cops on the street. Yes, we need fewer guns in the hands of people who shouldn’t have them. Yes, we need more money for our schools, and more outstanding teachers in the classroom, and more after-school programs for our children. Yes, we need more jobs and more job training and more opportunity in our communities. But we also need families to raise our children. We need fathers to realize that responsibility does not end at conception. We need them to realize that what makes you a man is not the ability to have a child — it’s the courage to raise one. 19
First, he called for more cops. Most people would now again agree with him; these things seem to change all the time. But then, he stresses responsibility and the importance of families with fathers.
But if we are honest with ourselves, we’ll admit that … too many fathers also are … missing — missing from too many lives and too many homes. They have abandoned their responsibilities, acting like boys instead of men. And the foundations of our families are weaker because of it. You and I know how true this is in the African-American community. We know that more than half of all black children live in single-parent households, a number that has doubled — doubled — since we were children. We know the statistics — that children who grow up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty and commit crime; nine times more likely to drop out of schools and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. They are more likely to have behavioral problems, or run away from home or become teenage parents themselves. And the foundations of our community are weaker because of it.
Here, Obama had the guts to step out of the victim role that is imposed on people of color. He states the facts that lack of privilege for young adults in black communities is not (primarily) the result of slavery in the past. In fact, the situation was better for most blacks living a century ago than today because of the break-up of the black families.
The Antithesis Exposed
And what does BLM and Critical Race Theory say? Two-parent families should not be celebrated for the blessings they bestow on their children. Rather, they are another aspect of “Whiteness”, which must be abolished so that the successful children from such families no longer have the ‘white privilege’ which they now have!
The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) in America stated in its website:
Like White privilege, family privilege is an unacknowledged and unearned benefit instantiated in U.S. laws, policies, and practices and bestowed upon traditional or ‘standard’ nuclear families to the disadvantage of non-traditional configured family systems (e.g., sole-parent families, unmarried committed partners rearing children together, grandparents raising grandchildren). Family privilege is defined as the benefits, often invisible and unacknowledged, that one receives by belonging to family systems long upheld in society as superior to all others. It serves to advantage certain family forms over others and is typically bestowed upon White, traditional nuclear families. 20
It gets worse!
“Rebecca Roache, senior lecturer in philosophy at Royal Holloway, University of London writes, ‘The wish to be biologically related to one’s children, like the wish to associate only within one’s racial group, can have harmful effects.’ Similarly, Dr. Ezio Di Nucci of the University of Copenhagen writes, ‘A preference towards children one is biologically related to is morally illegitimate’ and that the tendency to prefer one’s own children is a ‘moral vice.’ He says this is so because ‘in the context of parental love, biological considerations are normatively irrelevant.’ Despite these declarations from academics in ivory towers, almost all parents from all across the globe display a ‘passionate determination…to protect and prefer their own children.’ Does this mean that all families of the earth are infected with a kind of ‘systemic familial racism?’ That seems to be the growing sentiment, though it is usually couched in less alarming language. But the almost universal preference for one’s own children is not a disease, a disorder, a symptom of inequality, or a sign of racism. Most people call it something else — love. And most people believe it is a good thing. In fact, the love of mothers and fathers has historically been the standard against which all other love is measured.” 21
In public education, there are many accommodations for students with learning difficulties, yet few challenging opportunities for especially gifted ones. Sowell writes,
“our education system is too often … fiercely opposing differing levels and kinds of education for those individuals whose demonstrated capabilities exceed the demonstrated capabilities of others.” “(Many) educators oppose using the schools to facilitate the development of special individual abilities that can benefit society as a whole, because that can cause an expansion of educational disparities and the economic disparities that follow.”22
If the new social architects get their way, our children may yet experience some updated version of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four 23 or Lois Lowry’s The Giver. 24 In the latter book or its film version, we see the dream world of social architects, where there can no longer be music, color, or love. In the pursuit of equality and peace, the most beautiful gifts of God had to be cut from daily life. It’s been tried before, in Communist regimes. Remember the scene in the movie The Killing Fields, 25 where children learn to reject the nuclear family: ‘We now belong to Angka!’
Vishal Mangalwadi seems to be right that all the blessings of biblical teaching are or will be rapidly lost in the West. For it seems that the very things that God has given us as blessings are now put in a negative light, for ‘privilege’ is a bad word that must imply ‘oppression’. So, we are called to dismantle all these blessings and keep them from our children and our country so that “Social Justice” may be done.
I must agree with Voddie Baucham that “the current concept of social justice is incompatible with biblical Christianity.”26 In fact, he argues that ‘whiteness’ is actually a cover for Christianity, as Social Justice seeks to destroy the church. Some have openly admitted that ‘Christianity is the most pernicious aspect of White privilege, as it has and still maintains ‘privilege’ and contributes to oppression.27 He quotes James Lindsay, who “often says jokingly, ‘If I was still an angry atheist and wanted to destroy the church … I’d make ‘em woke!’”28 Sadly, but not surprisingly, many (deconstructing) churches, denominations, seminaries, leading ministries, and ministers have fallen prey to this movement. The Book of Revelation, in chapter 17, portrays the great prostitute as an ally of the Beast. Since the heavenly woman in chapter 12 symbolizes the people of God, the Church, the prostitute seems to give a picture of the ‘fallen church’, where the Lampstand of Truth was removed and so she has fallen from all glory.
Points to Ponder
Murray writes, “It is a curiosity of the age that, after the situation (regarding discriminating against people of color) at least appears to be better than it ever was, it is represented as though it has never been worse. It is like Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s dictum regarding human rights: that claims of human rights violations happen in exactly inverse proportion to the numbers of human rights violations in a country. 29
Voddie Baucham writes, “I don’t believe we -in America today- have a ‘racial injustice problem’. I believe there is racism. I believe there are racists. However, I reject the idea that America is ‘characterized by racism’, or that racism is an unavoidable byproduct of our national DNA. In fact, I believe America is one of the least racist countries in the world.”30
As we noticed, Shelby Steele agreed when he wrote “it must be acknowledged that blacks are no longer oppressed in America”.
Bad News for the Nations
For those who are still familiar with the Bible, the whole scenario brings to mind Paul’s warning to the Christians in Rome. In the last part of the first chapter of Paul’s letter, he describes what happens when a nation continues to reject the revelation of God. In the words of The Message:
God’s angry displeasure erupts as acts of human mistrust and wrongdoing and lying accumulate, as people try to put a shroud over truth. But the basic reality of God is plain enough. Open your eyes and there it is! By taking a long and thoughtful look at what God has created, people have always been able to see what their eyes as such can’t see: eternal power, for instance, and the mystery of his divine being. So, nobody has a good excuse. What happened was this: People knew God perfectly well, but when they didn’t treat him like God, refusing to worship him, they trivialized themselves into silliness and confusion so that there was neither sense nor direction left in their lives. They pretended to know it all, but were illiterate regarding life. They traded the glory of God who holds the whole world in his hands for cheap figurines you can buy at any roadside stand.
24-25 So God said, in effect, “If that’s what you want, that’s what you get.” It wasn’t long before they were living in a pigpen, smeared with filth, filthy inside and out. And all this because they traded the true God for a fake god, and worshiped the god they made instead of the God who made them—the God we bless, the God who blesses us. Oh, yes!
26-27 Worse followed. Refusing to know God, they soon didn’t know how to be human either—women didn’t know how to be women, men didn’t know how to be men. Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another, women with women, men with men—all lust, no love. And then they paid for it, oh, how they paid for it—emptied of God and love, godless and loveless wretches.
28-32 Since they didn’t bother to acknowledge God, God quit bothering them and let them run loose. And then all hell broke loose: rampant evil, grabbing and grasping, vicious backstabbing. They made life hell on earth with their envy, wanton killing, bickering, and cheating. Look at them: mean-spirited, venomous, fork-tongued God-bashers. Bullies, swaggerers, insufferable windbags! They keep inventing new ways of wrecking lives. They ditch their parents when they get in the way. Stupid, slimy, cruel, cold-blooded. And it’s not as if they don’t know better. They know perfectly well they’re spitting in God’s face. And they don’t care—worse, they hand out prizes to those who do the worst things best!
Revival or Judgment
Unless the West comes to its senses and returns to its Father, the Creator, history will accelerate to the Last Judgment. Who is responsible; who will cause this to happen?
The deconstructing church will argue that only good things come from God; bad things come from Satan. But that is too simplistic in light of the biblical revelation.
In the last Bible book, you see that Jesus is the one who breaks the seven seals so that God’s judgments can come over the earth and humankind. 31 People, who insist that God is always loving and kind -even to people who are destroying his Kingdom- must omit a lot of biblical revelation.
When David -against God’s will- counted his fighting men, as described in 2 Samuel 24, it was because God was angry with Israel. Supposedly, they had sinned and had to be punished to keep them close to God. So, after the census was conducted, David could choose one of three punishments. He chose an epidemic, and 70,000 people died. When you read 1 Chronicles 21, however, you see that Satan rose up against Israel, supposedly, to wreak havoc. He was it, who incited David to sin, yet in the end David is the responsible man, who made the decision to count the men.
This shows us that, even though Satan and people play their own roles with their own intentions, God remains in control. So, when bad things happen in history, God can use plagues and other troubles to safeguard his honor and preserve his Kingdom by warning humanity for their sinful acts. Yet, Satan may be involved just as much, as he seeks to rebel against God’s rule and to destroy his Kingdom. In the end, however, God will hold humankind responsible, and especially those who had come to know God’s Word without submitting to it. And there will come a time that God gives humankind over to its own evil desires, which results in some level of self-destruction.
We may still see an Awakening, where many people recognize what the West is doing to itself, as it is ‘seeking to kill the goose that laid the golden eggs.’ We have seen a number of positive developments and hopeful signs. So, Vishal Mangalwadi prays for revival and Mary Eberstadt hopes people may come to recognize the destructive trends; she also recognizes the blessings in knowing God. Other authors I have quoted have also written their books as wake-up calls, so people may see the dangerous consequences of their godless, reckless experiments.
For those, who know God and submit to his Word, the book of Revelation gives good hope that the Good God is in full control, and that the final outcome, through all the judgments, will be the restoration of God’s blessed rule. Yet, before we get there, there must be a time of tribulation. How that will happen is not yet sure, however, we may discern some credible scenarios:
Cultural Marxism and Revolution
Although many conservatives keep warning us for the growing sympathies with Communism and the loss of democracy, the media and some big businesses have promoted the movement, we have described in these last articles under Critical Theory, Social Justice, and BLM. So, unless America wakes up to the threat of losing our freedom, we may be heading for a Cultural-Economic Revolution that will effectively destroy many of God’s good gifts to us and perhaps, like the other Marxist revolutions, end up killing all people who get in the way. Sowell rightly states that “The violence unleashed against successful groups has often exceeded the violence unleashed against lagging groups disdained as “inferior”. 32
Green Gestapo: Nature worship replacing the Cultural Mandate
If we observe the growing panic from those who seem to think global warming and pollution trends are destroying the planet, combined with the waning respect for and confidence in governments, even the perception of an urgent crisis can raise up some radical movement to defy governments (as they are deemed irresponsible), in order ‘to save the planet’. Some environmentalists like to see the earth as living organism. When a famine or pandemic hits, the earth is getting rid of humans as a dog shakes off its pesky fleas. This may set the scene for a future mad crowd killing those, who are seen as responsible for planetary destruction.
DAWA: Jihad warriors and Islamic terror
Some forty years ago, when I was taking a (teacher-training) course in cultural anthropology in Holland, I did my research project on Islam and Christianity. A number of other teacher-students were upset with my Evangelical Christian viewpoints. Just like any sincere orthodox Muslim, I was standing up for my convictions as truth, and therefore rejecting other worldviews as falsehoods. I was seen as narrow-minded and intolerant, as (apparently) I did not embrace Muslims and their religion. Privately, the professor confessed to me the irony that orthodox Muslims are at least as intolerant as evangelical Christians, while they must be tolerated more. (Of course, this usually means that Muslims must be tolerated unless they -too- are radical in (read: ‘show true commitment to) their faith. Apparently, forty years ago already there was the notion of Islamophobia with the practice of Christophobia.
What most people in the West do not know, is that radical Islamization is getting stronger. 33 To combat the secularization of Muslims in the West, there is a renewed call for those who associate with Islam to influence secular society in the hopes of achieving Islamic dominance and power. Although real Christian faith can never be enforced, even by peer pressure in the church, Islam does not focus on loving God in thankfulness for his sacrifice, but in the (forced) submission to rules of behavior in the hopes of getting an eternal reward. Typically, when Islam gets to rule society, it will seek to kill those who want to escape Islamic law by converting to Christianity. It’s another way in which Western freedom can easily be lost.
The Kings from the East: New Big Bullies on the global scene
The recent developments with Russia and China are quite concerning. Both regimes are theoretically Communist, but they are actually atheist dictatorship with little hesitations in using deceit and the murder of dissidents 34 if it helps to secure political control. The media are censored and there is much ‘patriotic propaganda’ to make the West look bad. Russia will never admit any wrongdoing and it is selling its gas supplies to Europe at rapid pace for economic gain, political power, and to finance of the world’s second biggest army. China has cherished a victim role from the past, and now it has effectively serviced the West as its industrial center, it is now preparing to take what they passionately believe should be theirs. As its military power grows, it will risk the role of bully.
If, somehow, Russia and China can unite forces, even for a few years, they can certainly wreak havoc in the West. At the present, they have too much economic interest in political stability, but a number of different crises in the (near) future can easily tip he apple cart, heralding the much feared Third World War.
It may not just be one of these threats that cause a global crisis, it may well be a combination of several factors. Many may prefer to ignore the signs of the times or dismiss them as surreal conspiracy theories. Others may build nuclear shelters and stockpile food or even weapons. But, those who trust in the One -who’s got the whole world in his hand- will not despair but be on guard, remaining faithful in their task as light and salt of the world.
Christian Action Plan; Some Suggestions
• In a secularizing society, it is the Church that is called to be salt and light. The salt prevents the corruption and decay of moral standards in our nations; the light reveals the source of all blessings and the way home. Charles Taylor calls upon the Church today to “Let God be God”, and even Tom Holland encourages the Church to remain different today. So, let us be obedient to God by not being conformed to the spirit of the world but being transformed in our minds by the Spirit of God. Preach the Full (Controversial) Truth; openly fight deconstruction in thinking and teaching.
• We are bombarded by secular teachings and opinions in all we do. Constant immersion in godless thinking naturally leads to the erosion of biblical thinking in line with the apostolic teaching. To stand firm in the Last battle, we must urge all Christians to spend more time studying God’s Word and listening to orthodox teaching, like The Gospel Coalition than to secular news, opinions, and entertainment.
• In our increasingly polarizing culture, where people are manipulated by ‘constructed truths’ and half-truths, we need to expose ourselves to news and opinions from different sources. Balance the mainstream media with at least some conservative input, maintaining a skeptical attitude to those who claim to have all the facts. Even Jonathan Haidt would encourage us to do so for the flourishing of our nations.
• Educate the church about the signs of the times, avoiding cultic distractions. Without losing sight of the Lamb upon the Heavenly Throne, it is yet important to know what is going on so that we may stand strong and know how to show the relevance of the Gospel for a crazy world.
• As most churches are dimming the Light and losing the salt, we need to pray for Revival in the Church through Reformation for Mobilizing God’s spiritual army; the world desperately needs to hear the Truth.
• Consciously and conspicuously we must continue to treasure strong, loving families with promise-keeping fathers. We must soak up the apostolic teaching and learn to see the beauty of Christian marriage as God intended it; as image of the love-relationship and covenant between Christ and the Church, manifested in the sacrificial love of our Lord and our willing, loving submission to His (spiritual) leadership.
• As godless pressures are put on the children and teenagers in ‘the school system’, and as families are systematically broken down, we must take ownership of our children’s teaching, perhaps through Christian co-ops, where local families together take charge of the education of their children. In such a system, rich and poor families will be able to assist each other in the biblical nurture of the next generations.
2. Sowell, Ibid. p. 7.
3. Sowell, Ibid. p. 9.
4. MIRAMAX, 1997.
5. Sowell, Ibid. p. 10.
6. Sowell, Ibid. p. 11.
7. David S. Landes, The Wealth and Poverty of Nations. p. 6. as quoted by Sowell, Ibid. p. 18.
8. Danielle D’Souza Gill, The Truth Behind Black Lives Matter, Epoch TV, October, 2021.
9. David Horowitz I Can't Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing America. (Regnery Publishing, 2021);
10. Voddie T. Baucham Jr., Fault Lines- The Social Justice Movement and Evangelicalism’s Looming Catastrophe. (2021) p. 53-56
12. Shelby Steele, White Guilt- How Blacks and Whites Together Destroyed the Promise of the Civil Rights Era. (Harper Collins, 2006)
13. Shelby Steele, Ibid. p. 27.
14. Shelby Steele, Ibid. p. 59.
15. Shelby Steele, Ibid. p. 67-68.
16. Shelby Steele, Ibid. p. 155-159.
17. Zachary Stieber, Professor Punished for Refusing to Give Black Students Easier Exam Sues UCLA. The Epoch Times. October 7-13, 2021.
18. Jonathan Haidt, The Righteous Mind- Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion. (Random House, 2012) chapter 12.
21. Kimberly Ells, Family Love is the Foundation of Civilization. September, 2021.
22. Thomas Sowell, Ibid. p. 191.
23. George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four. (1949)
24. Lois Lowrey, The Giver. (Ember, 2006)
25. The Killing Fields. (Warner, 2001)
26. Voddie T. Baucham Jr., Ibid. p. 5.
27. Voddie T. Baucham Jr., Ibid. p. 207.
28. Voddie T. Baucham Jr., Ibid. p. 205.
29. Douglas Murray, Ibid. pp. 163, 232.
30. Voddie T. Baucham Jr., Ibid. p. 201.
31. Revelation 6.
32. Thomas Sowell, Ibid. p. 199.
33. Patrick Soqkhdeo, Dawa, the Islamic Strategy for Reshaping the Modern World. (Isaac Publishing, 2014)
34. Heidi Blake, From Russia with Blood- The Kremlin’s ruthless assassination program and Vladimir Putin’s secret war on the West. (Mulholland Books, 2019)